Free Foreclosure Case Evaluation
Cozmyk Law offers a free evaluation of your case and provides you with all the information necessary to make an informed decision.
Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure: 5 Things to Know
Going through a foreclosure is stressful, and it can have long-lasting consequences for your credit score, your wallet, and even your health. Some people pursue a deed in lieu of foreclosure as an option to avoid the effects of full foreclosure. 5 Things You Should...
What is a Motion to Dismiss?
Foreclosure is the legal process a mortgage lender uses to take possession of your home when you have missed mortgage payments. If you have been served with a foreclosure lawsuit in Ohio, you must act fast. It’s important to meet with a foreclosure defense attorney...
5 Reasons To Hire A Foreclosure Defense Attorney In Ohio
In Ohio, the foreclosure process begins when the mortgage lender serves the homeowner with a foreclosure complaint. If you have been served, you need to act fast. You have only 28 days to respond. This means that by the deadline, you must file with the court either an...
Demystifying Foreclosure Misconceptions: Tune in as Attorney Peter Cozmyk Talks with The Legal Odyssey Podcast
Attorney Peter Cozmyk had the opportunity to interview with The Legal Odyssey Podcast. In the captivating episode, Mr. Cozmyk candidly shares his personal journey, including facing foreclosure firsthand, which ultimately paved the way for his career as a...
6 Important Things To Know About Deficiency Judgments In Ohio
A deficiency judgment is the legal, financial obligation for the remaining balance on a defaulted home loan that the foreclosed homeowner is obligated to repay under most circumstances. It is an enforceable court judgment against the homeowner. This blog focuses on...
Should I File Jointly or Individually for Bankruptcy As A Married Person?
Contrary to popular belief, when couples are married, they do not necessarily have to file for bankruptcy together. Instead, it might make more sense for only one of the spouses to file. The unique facts of your case will dictate whether filing together or on your own...
What Is The Difference Between Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is a complex process that allows for debt restructuring or dismissal depending on the financial situation of the debtor. There are different routes one can go when facing bankruptcy, which include chapters 7, 11, and 13. Each one differs in how it can be...
5 Things To Know About Loan Modifications
Home foreclosure is a scary experience and trying to defend your home from the bank or lender is even worse. Cozmyk Law Offices helps many Ohio homeowners save their homes and successfully weather the foreclosure process. It is important to know that there are many...
Predatory Lending: The Warning Signs
Predatory Lending is prohibited by state and federal laws. Lenders are not allowed to use deception or fraudulent tactics to "guide" a borrower into accepting a loan for their house or other items. As a tool to prevent foreclosure, a real estate attorney may look at...
What Does The Foreclosure Process Look Like in Ohio?
Many homeowners assume that foreclosure process is the literal seizing of a property after the buyer misses a few payments. It can involve that, however it’s more complex than that. Foreclosure is a process that can take months to occur and along that pathway, the...
Are You Experiencing Financial Hardship?
Call the foreclosure defense attorneys at Cozmyk Law Offices today at and let the Fight For My Home Foreclosure Defense Attorneys fight to help YOU save YOUR home today!
Cleveland, Ohio
6100 Oak Tree Boulevard
Suite 200
Independence, Ohio 44131
Office #: (216) 452-9145
Fax #: (216) 485-2125
Dayton, Ohio *
70 Birch Alley
Suite 240 Building B
Beavercreek, OH 45440
Office #: (937) 314-4297
Fax #: (216) 485-2125
Bethalto, IL *
333 West Bethalto Dr.
Suite C
Bethalto, IL 62010
Office #: (877) 813-0264
Fax #: (216) 485-2125
Indianapolis, IN *
450 East St.
Suite 500
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Office #: (877) 570-4440
Fax #: (216) 485-2125
Cleveland, Ohio*
600 Superior Ave East
Fifth Third Building, Suite 1300
Cleveland, OH 44114
Office #: (216) 452-9145
Fax #: (216) 485-2125
Cincinnati, Ohio*
300 E Business Way, Suite 200
Summit Woods Corporate Center
Cincinnati, OH 45241
Office #: (513) 318-4764
Fax #: (216) 485-2125
Springfield, IL*
920 South Spring Street
Springfield, IL 62704
Office #: (877) 813-0624
Fax #: (216) 485-2125
Toledo, Ohio *
1690 Woodlands Dr
Suite 200
Maumee, OH 43537
Office #: (419) 600-0691
Fax #: (216) 485-2125
Columbus, Ohio *
545 Metro Place South
One Metro Place, Suite 100
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Office #: (614) 636-4692
Fax #: (216) 485-2125
Chicago, IL *
22 West Washington St.
Suite 1500
Chicago, IL
Office #: (630) 560-4471
Fax #: (630) 503-7828
* By Appointment Only
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We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.